Friday, May 15, 2015

What are the Pros?

How well is working?

There is no doubt that technology has come to improve our lifestyle. At least, that is the main idea. However, it is worth to take a moment to think: Is it really working well? Since there are way too many aspects involving technology and its benefits, I decided to pick a topic that concerns me the most: Technology at a young age and its effects.

We all know that our kids are having accesses to electronic devices at really young stage of their lives. We see videos on the internet, of little babies playing and having a great time handling a tablet, smartphone, and iPod and so on. However, I wonder if it is all roses. What are the pros and cons on exposing our kids to technology so early in life? Have you ever asked yourself?

This blog is an opportunity for us to take a moment and look over some of the pros and cons of technology, and then analyze if the pros outweigh the cons.

Faster development.
Yes! Their learning development is much faster. Handling a tablet will provide our kids the chance to learn stuffs much faster in a much funnier way. Games for example, stimulates the brain to think quicker and came up with solutions for dilemmas.

Computer will soon be on every school's check list.
Schools are utilizing technology in order to retain student´s attention. Therefore, the sooner our kids are in touch with it the better they will perform at school.

Parent´s Piece of Mind.
Tired of asking yourself where your kids are? Give them a smartphone and this problem is over. They will probably stay on the sofa for hours and hours.

Everyone has got to be connected!
In today's society, being connected is crucial for living, working and socializing. If our kids learn how to deal with those tools at an early age, we as parents will be able to teach  them to handle all these information in a healthier manner.

Here is a cute quick video that shows how early our kids are engaging to technology:

There is an entire world out there to be explored and those are only a few pros of kids interacting with technology. Yet, as I have mentioned before, it is not all roses. In my next blog, I will list some of the cons of over exposing children too early.

I will see you then! :)

It is not all roses....There are Cons

Hello again!
On my last blog, I wrote about how our kids are being exposed to technology at really young age. I mentioned its pros and today, I will write briefly about its cons.Yes! Kids love computers, laptops, iPads, iPhones and so on, however, there is always a down side to everything that is good. What can it be in this case? Let’s check out!!!

Too much information
Technology comes with a great deal of information. Children don’t understand the harm which that it may cause.  They are extremely curious and are anxious to know what is out there. Therefore, here are some things to consider: 
  • How much are you able to control what your kid is seeing and learning? 
  • You may say you are able to control what is on your computer, but what about other people's computers? 
  • How can you ensure that your kid is safe when using someone else's computer? 

To me, it is almost impossible to control everything that kids do during the entire day. The reason being is that, after a certain age, they create their own space which sometimes is difficult for parents to join. 

No play time to play, no personal socialization

They love gaming don’t they? They can spend a whole day playing videos games and watching television. Even though we get some piece of mind, the fact that our kids don’t bother playing outdoor anymore is dangerous for their health. They don’t care to exercise and to spend some time outside with real kids simply because they enjoy virtual friends more. That will surely reflect in the future as they grow older. Moreover, they might find hard to relate with people since they are so use to deal with virtual friends.

May cause harm to family's relationship

Almost everyone has their own devices.  I will speak for myself! My husband and I have smartphones, my son has a tablet and my daughter loves watching television.  Sometimes, I see myself in a scenario where my husband and I are looking down at our cellphones, my son is playing on his tablet and my baby girl is watching TV. I see no interaction between us. Now, take a moment to think, how dangerous is that? We are too busy in our little virtual world and we are forgetting to live and enjoy real life. I must say, we have changed thing at home because we anticipated the damage that this behavior may cause in the future. 

I could write a lot more about the cons of over exposing our kids to technology, but I feel that  those are more than enough. Now, it is time for us to stop and think about it. If I may, I will give my own opinion. Technology is great and I can’t stress it enough. However, everything has its limits. Don’t give way the innocence of being a child too early because too much information may affect the how he/she will see and understand life. Therefore, put family time first, that means enjoying having your family around your table for dinner and talking about the day at school. Overall, it is all about taking good advantage of what is out there for us, but in a healthier and more responsible way.

Glad you took some time to ready my blog, I hope you enjoyed it!